Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Happy New Year to all.

I have not written in along time. My sincere apologies. There are so many new and exciting developments on the prostate front that I want to get back to writing regularly. First let me tell you that tomorrow nights monthly PAF Zoom meeting is an important one. (You can access it on the home page here at www.prostateawarenessfoundation.org) It is because we will be discussing a study from Great Britain called THE PROFIT STUDY. It is important for a number of reasons. Over 1,600 men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer were followed for 15 years. The object was to compare the results between radiation, surgical removal (Radical Prostatectomy and doing nothing but watching it closely (Active Surveillance) It is a unique study because hee men were willing to be randomly selected. About an equal number were selected for each type of treatment. 71% of the men were low risk, 26% intermediate risk, and 2% advanced prostate cancer. Men could dropout of their cohort and change therapies at their discretion. The biggest surprise in my opinion was that there was NO DIFFERENCE IN LONGEVITY! Other factors were also compared including metastasis, incontinence, sexuality and survival. The recap will be featured on the PAF website in the next week or so.

Meanwhile, diagnostic tools have made a huge advancement lately with the advent of the PSMA PET Scan that can identify prostate cancer metastasis anywhere in the body including organs, bones and blood. This now answers the 2nd big question one asks their doctor once it is has been determined that prostate cancer is present. That is "Doctor has it  spread?).

On another positive note: Our local Monday PAF Hiking group has been having some great hikes, The rain has made the earth happy. Creeks are roaring, Ferns are green again and the moss is thicker that we have seen in years. I hope where ever you are you have  time to spend in the outdoors. 

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