The PAF conducted an anecdotal trial on Maca Root extract in 2005. We wanted to see if Maca would have an effect on men's libidos who had with prostate cancer. Some of the men were on ADT therapy which means they were using pharmaceutical drugs to block their bodies ability to produce testosterone. They were chemically castrated (testosterone level under 20). We were surprised to hear that one of the three men on ADT reported that using Maca helped him retain sexual interest and achieve an erection. This was pretty profound. Of the 10 men in the trial, 6 reported improved sexual energy and libido. 2 reported a reduction. Six reported an improvement in mood and feeling of well being while 1 reported a diminishment. It would appear this root from the high Andes has endocrine system modulating capability for some men and requires further studies.
It should be noted that the price of maca is increasing dramatically lately due to a cornering of the market by Chinese interests selling it as an aphrodisiac!
Below is a picture of Walter Radtke PAF's
Videographer, UTube expert and regular hiker on the Mt Whittenberg trail in Pt Reyes Natonal Park.
I haven't eaten turkey since 1995 when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and became a fish eating vegan.
We had a Field Roast brand Hazelnut & Cranberry Roast. This company makes a tasty line of sausages so thought we would try the roast. Made from wheat gluten, surrounded by a pastry crust like a beef Wellington and stuffed with the hazelnut & cranberry dressing. Yummy. We also had wasabi mashed potatoes and a side of Brussels sprouts, string beans & mushrooms. Gail made a pumpkin cheese cake and a chocolate cake. Everything vegan and delicious. See below: