Monday, November 5, 2018

Is a Sky Dive on Your Bucket List? it's on mine!
If your like me, being diagnosed with prostate cancer was a wake up call to say the least.
Once the fear wore off and I had a plan, other considerations came up!
Realizing my time on the planet had limits I decided that there were many things I wanted
to do and see in my time remaining.
Doing a Sky Dive was one of them.
So on Saturday, June 16th I will be participating in the Free Fallin' Sky Dive for Prostate Awareness.
We will jump at the Cloverdale Airport in northern Sonoma County. We do what is called a Tandem Jump which means all we have to do is show up, as we jump in tandem with an experienced expert on our back. So I"m looking forward to the view from 12,000' and sharing the experience with 14 other daredevils. (we had hoped to get 25 jumpers, so if you are interested in participating there is still time to get involved).

What's on your bucket list? Many people I talk with say: The Northern Lights, visiting all the continents, a hot air balloon ride, visiting Yosemite. Whatever it is, go for it.
Words to live by from Jack London:
I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dryrot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.
Jack London

Monday, October 22, 2018

Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer.
Do They Have It All Wrong?

    There has been a lot of excitement and advertising about the use of Immunotherapy for cancer.
As you may know, Provenge was the first pharmaceutical immunotherapy drug approved by the FDA and also by Medicare for prostate cancer treatment. In fact it was the first of these type drugs approved for any cancer.The concept of re-educating one's immune system to seek and destroy cancer cells with a minimum of side effects is a a great one.
    The original clinical trials were done on men with advanced prostate cancer. In these studies the men involved who took the Provenge were able to extend their lives by about 4 months. Those men in the placebo lived for about 10 months, those on the Provencge lived  for about 14 months
    The trend in treating advancing prostate cancer and in fact all the cancers has been toward individualized protocols. Treatment options are becoming more and more expensive. Provenge for example costs over $100,000 for the cycle. Money well spent if in fact it is effective. We will talk about the financial ramifications in another blog.
But I see a major flaw in the logic as to the "Standard of Care" for treating advanced prostate cancer.
Currently Provenge is used after all other prostate cancer interventions have not successfully stalled the cancer growth. After initial prostate cancer treatment like surgery, radiation, hormonal blockade and chemotherapy are used without success Provenge immunotherapy is used as a last resort. But the majority of medical professionals agree that there interventions, especially chemotherapy, compromise and reduce the natural power of one's immune system.
So why not administer Provenge as a first line treatment when the immune system is still strong and has the best chance for rejuveneation. It seems to me that this approach would have a better chance of success if used at the beginning not at the end of treatment.
We have researched and asked prostate cancer specialists and the pharmaceutical companies why no clinical trials are being done on early stage prostate cancer. No trials appear to be in the works or on the horizon.
What do you think? We would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Galectin-3 (Gal-3) - An Important Marker for Prostate Cancer

Never heard of Gal-3? Don't feel bad, most doctors or patients haven't either and aren't aware of it's importance. Personally, I have never felt comfortable relying just on a PSA test for my prostate well being. So I'm always on the lookout for additional markers to gauge not only my prostate health but my overall health in general.
When you have prostate cancer and are dealing with it with an active surveillance
protocol like me, monitoring progression or lack there of is critically importanat.
So over the years I've added other tests to my testing regiment to best gauge my prostate health.
These tests include: testosterone, cholesterol, albumin and C-Reactive protein.
I've recently found out about another test that I am adding: Galectin-3.
I took the Gal-3 test late last week and eagerly await the results. My objective is to find out what my Gal-3 number is but also to establish a baseline reading as a frame of reference just like I do with PSA.
According to the clinical literature, Gal-3 is measured in nanogram/millilters - ng/ml and the ranges are listed below:

  • Ideal Levels:14 to 12. ng/ml ( Cancer Patients - 12.0 mg/ml )
  • High Risk:14.0 to 17.8 ng/ml - indicates significant increased risks for cancer and overall mortality.
  • Extreme Risk: >17.8 ng/ml - advanced cancer and high mortality rate.

The Gal-3 test is approved by the FDA and Medicare.
It is usually prescribed by cardiologists for patients with heart disease. But there is a growing amount of research indicating the the Gal-3 blood test is also an important test for determining the aggressiveness of prostate cancer and it's progression.
Studies are indicating that excess Gal-3 in the body directly promotes unhealthy cell behaviors such as inflammation, uncontrolled abnormal cell growth, colony formation, inflammation and metastasis. 
The question then becomes: what can one do to lower Galectin-3 in the body. It turns out there is a natural way to accomplish this! Modified Citrus Pectin (Pectasol-c) is naturally attracted to Galectin-3, and it will bind and block over expressed Gal-3 molecules in the body.
It looks like MCP can prevent the growth and spread of prostate cancer. It is the only natural substance proven to block excess Gal-3.
So now that you know about the Gal-3 lab test I'm sure you will want to learn more about modified citrus pectin (MCP) and how and why it works!
Please look for my next Sustainable Prostate Blog to learn more about this important natural substance.
Wishing you and your prostate good health.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What's on your "bucket list"?
When one gets a diagnosis of prostate cancer or any cancer for that matter one realizes that our time on the planet has limits. Many of us make plans to do things we have been dreaming about all of lives. For some, the list of things we want to do and see before we exit the planet take on a new priority. I've been fortunate that during the course of my life I've had some great adventures so my Bucket List is pretty short.. I've seen the Northern Lights, Pyramids, Machu Picchu, climbed the highest mountains in Africa, South America and Europe and traveled extensively. So I don't have a lot left on my bucket list. But a Sky Dive was way up there. But I did have momentary doubts about participating.. After all, 73 years old doesn't seem to be the ideal age to make the attempt! But why not give it a shot?
So I had an opportunity to jump out of a plane from 12,000' this last weekend and I took it. What an adrenaline rush! I jumped with 12 other dare devils on the 1st Annual Free Fallin' Sky Dive for Prostate Awareness fundraising event. We jumped from Cloverdale Municipal Airport in rural Sonoma County in Northern California. The airport was a tiny one which made the experience that much more intimate. NorCal Sky Diving, our provider attended to every detail and a great and exciting time was had by all.
The type of jump we did is called a Tandem Jump, which means we jumped with a seasoned professional sky diver harnessed on our backs. All we had to do is show up, no lessons. We watched a short safety video and off we flew to an attitude of 12,000'. Our team consisted of guys like myself with prostate cancer, others representing their fathers, grandfathers or other family members and friends afflicted with this epidemic disease, plus a number of young people living on the edge!
It took about twenty minutes to reach the desired altitude. When the cabin door opened and we felt the wind rushing in at 120 MPH we really experienced the stark reality of what we were about to do. You just have to keep your composure, positive spirit, faith and survival instinct and stay focused! So, off we jumped into space. Traveling weightlessly at 120 MPH with the wind roaring in your ears is an experience like no other.
After about 60 seconds of free falling the feeling of the parachute opening was a welcome one. Then another 5 minutes or so of elation before the great feeling of touching down on the welcome Earth.
What an memorable experience. One comes away with so many different emotions: triumph, relief, exhaustion and pride to name a few.
Is a Sky Dive on your Bucket List? Great, we will be doing the 2nd Annual Free Fallin' Sky Dive for Prostate Awareness next June, 2019.
Video to follow shortly at

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Part of the PAF pro-active approach to a sustainable prostate is plenty of sensible exercise.With spring upon us it's a great time to get your exercise outdoors whether it's a hike, biking or just a walk around the block. But it's also tick season big time. So how do you avoid there little critters when some of them can be as small as a poppy seed? Wearing long pants helps.
The latest recommendations to avoid tick bites from the Center for Disease Control include not only a total body search but also  putting all your hiking clothes in a hot drier for thirty minutes as soon as you get home.. This is the only sure way of getting rid of them.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The PAF has recommended the use of Modified Citrus Pectin (Pectasol-C) a nutritional supplement derived from grapefruit pulp for some time to guard against needle tracking when undergoing a prostate biopsy.There is much clinical data to support this strategy.
Now the latest clinical research from Israel (a country on the cutting edge of cancer research) shows that Pectasol-C proved to be influential in slowing disease progression in men with failed radiation or surgery. After 6 months 79% of men in the study showed positive results. Very encouraging!
This could be a valid natural addition to your prostate cancer protocol not matter what path you have chosen.
More to follow in another post.
All the best to you and your prostate health